Wednesday 26 January 2011

The Kidnapping Plan

Marine called her two warriors over. "So, I need to tell you guys something. When I was at Camp Demigod, there was this boy named Jace. He was second in command, and I used to like fawn over him. And he's very valuable to the camp, so why don't we steal the kid right? Bryn will be totally lost and we can have him captive. So we are all gonna go to Camp Demigod and steal Jace. I will capture him, but you 2 need to lure the campers away from him, so pretend like your lost nymphs or something. Okay? Good!"
fflight/stormy do you want to be an admin? Oh and you know camp Demititan, can we be like allies and then we can raid camp demigod and such, or you can be forced to join us? Thanks! 


  1. Jace stumbled in, an angry glare in his eyes, the rope around his wrists cutting at his skin. "Marine. Your practically kidnapping an innocent person," he growled. "Or are you too dumb to figure even that out?"

    - Jace -

  2. Sure, i'll be an admin. We will ONLY be allies if you comment on Camp Demititan and come on often.

  3. "Put a sock in it Jace. Your coming with me." she said, eyes glowing, and drug him to the Stables.

  4. Jace whipped around, glaring at Marine straight in her blue eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. Not until you tell me what's going on." He glanced at his side, where his Stygian iron sword hung, until he realized it was gone. "One more thing. Give me back my sword." Jace ground his teeth. "Now."

    - Jace -

  5. "Oh, I don't think so bud. No swords for you. Oh, and your here because we have kidnapped you." Marine snapped, then put handcuffs on him and drug him to the stables.
